Monday, December 30, 2019

Globalization and the Northern Territory Intervention

Globalization, a contested concept among leading theorists in its definition, chronology, and measurement of effects, is almost certainly of a multidimensional nature if such theorists’ perspectives are all taken equally into consideration. The broad phenomenon of globalization can therefore be scrutinised more closely by separation and analysis of individual dimensions, such as its political, economic, cultural and ecological dimensions. This approach, while allowing for a more focused examination of the causes and effects of globalization within a single dimension, serves to highlight the interconnectedness of each dimension. The following essay will expose the complex interconnection between the political, economic and cultural†¦show more content†¦The political dimension of globalization is evident in the harnessing of neoliberal ideology to enforce and justify sanctions upon Indigenous communities within the Northern Territory (Craig Porter, 2006; Scrimgeour, 20 07). Several of the more contested components of the Northern Territory Intervention were born of think-tank publications, which set this neoliberal agenda (Scrimgeour, 2007). Neoliberalism is fostered by a global network of think-tanks, which are underwritten by corporate sponsors and bring elitist ideals into the mainstream and popular opinion (Scrimgeour, 2007). Australia’s major think-tanks are the Institute for Public Affairs (IPA) and the Centre for Independent Studies (CIS), both of which receive major funding from mining companies (Scrimgeour, 2007). Such think-tanks, promoting neoliberal ideals of deregulation, liberalization, and privatisation of the market and public assets, as well as supporting the dismantling of the welfare state, have considerable influence on the ideology of the Government in forming policy (Scrimgeour, 2007). From 2000 to 2004, the IPA published 33 articles on Indigenous matters, most of which promoted the idea that previous Indigenous policies of land rights andShow MoreRelatedRussia And Russi Russian Intervention1616 Words   |  7 PagesRussian intervention in Ukraine With the current civil war in Ukraine unfolding and Russian involvement being well known, the average person would consider this a very simple situation of Russia flexing its might. While there is some truth for Russian involvement being exactly that, the reasoning for Russia’s foreign policy is a much more complex situation that cannot be summarized into one definitive reason. In fact there are a variety of factors that could be categorized into three groups knownRead MoreRussia s Intervention During The Ukrainian Crisis1673 Words   |  7 Pagessummarized into one definitive reason. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Learning Objectives 1. Explain the Motives for Holding...

LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Explain the motives for holding money and relate them to the interest rate that could be earned from holding alternative assets, such as bonds. 2. Draw a money demand curve and explain how changes in other variables may lead to shifts in the money demand curve. 3. Illustrate and explain the notion of equilibrium in the money market. 4. Use graphs to explain how changes in money demand or money supply are related to changes in the bond market, in interest rates, in aggregate demand, and in real GDP and the price level. In this section we will explore the link between money markets, bond markets, and interest rates. We first look at the demand for money. The demand curve for money is derived like any other†¦show more content†¦Selling a bond means converting it to money. Keynes referred to the speculative demand for money as the money held in response to concern that bond prices and the prices of other financial assets might change. Of course, money is money. One cannot sort through someone’s checking account and locate which funds are held for transactions and which funds are there because the owner of the account is worried about a drop in bond prices or is taking a precaution. We distinguish money held for different motives in order to understand how the quantity of money demanded will be affected by a key determinant of the demand for money: the interest rate. Interest Rates and the Demand for Money The quantity of money people hold to pay for transactions and to satisfy precautionary and speculative demand is likely to vary with the interest rates they can earn from alternative assets such as bonds. When interest rates rise relative to the rates that can be earned on money deposits, people hold less money. When interest rates fall, people hold more money. The logic of these conclusions about the money people hold and interest rates depends on the people’s motives for holding money. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Criminal Justice and Technology Free Essays

Computer and telecommunications technologies in criminal justice system have developed at an extraordinary rate. Increased computing power, advances in data transmission and attractive and user-friendly graphic interfaces present law enforcement agencies with unprecedented capacity to collect, store, analyze and share data with stakeholders inside and outside of government. Technology in criminal justice field represents a tool to help local law enforcement achieve its broadened and increasingly complex mission. We will write a custom essay sample on Criminal Justice and Technology or any similar topic only for you Order Now But whether this capability is fully realized, and at what pace, is not a foregone conclusion. Preliminary studies suggest that if its integration is not well managed, some aspects of technology may meet with resistance among officers and other staff, particularly when such technology is perceived as unfairly intrusive or technically cumbersome. Historically, technological innovation has served as the catalyst for dramatic changes in the organization of police work and has presented both opportunities and challenges to police and other criminal justice practitioners, according to Janet Chan, a social scientist who has studied how technology affects the way police do their jobs. Noting that information is the stocking- trade of policing, Chan has identified three general imperatives driving law enforcement’s investment in information technology: 1. A Technology-driven imperative to improve effectiveness and efficiency by increasing the capacity to store and process large volumes of data; Improving intelligence and investigative capabilities; and providing ready access to criminal records and other kinds of relevant data. 2. An Information-driven imperative to satisfy increasing demands to share data with external entities, including other government agencies, the public and other outside entities such as insurance companies and other businesses; and 3. A Policy-driven imperative to meet the requirements of new forms of police management and accountability, in terms of probity, cost effectiveness, and procedural regularity, including systems designed to provide early warning for police use of force complaints. Under this new order, police are being scrutinized internally by management systems, surveillance technologies, internal audits and investigations and externally by watchdog agencies, public complaint systems and central auditors. As Chan notes, information technology provides a tool not only for policing citizens, but also for policing the police. Important technologies in the Criminal Justice System DNA- The past decade has seen great advances in a powerful criminal justice tool: deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA. This one can be used to identify criminals with incredible accuracy when biological evidence exists. By the same token, DNA can be used to clear suspects and exonerate persons mistakenly accused or convicted of crimes. In all, DNA technology is increasingly vital to ensuring accuracy and fairness in the criminal justice system. DNA is generally used to solve crimes in one of two ways. In cases where a suspect is identified, a sample of that person’s DNA can be compared to evidence from the crime scene. The results of this comparison may help establish whether the suspect committed the crime. In cases where a suspect has not yet been identified, biological evidence from the crime scene can be analyzed and compared to offender profiles in DNA databases to help identify the perpetrator. Crime scene evidence can also be linked to other crime scenes through the use of DNA databases. DNA evidence is generally linked to DNA offender profiles through DNA databases. In the late 1980s, the federal government laid the groundwork for a system of national, state, and local DNA databases for the storage and exchange of DNA profiles. This system, called the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS), maintains DNA profiles obtained under the federal, state, and local systems in a set of databases that are available to law enforcement agencies across the country for law enforcement purposes. CODIS can compare crime scene evidence to a database of DNA profiles obtained from convicted offenders. CODIS can also link DNA evidence obtained from different crime scenes, thereby identifying serial criminals. In order to take advantage of the investigative potential of CODIS, in the late 1980s and early 1990s, states began passing laws requiring offenders convicted of certain offenses to provide DNA samples. Currently all 50 states and the federal government have laws requiring that DNA samples be collected from some categories of offenders. Fingerprints- offer an infallible means of personal identification. That is the essential explanation for their having supplanted other methods of establishing the identities of criminals reluctant to admit previous arrests. The science of fingerprint Identification stands out among all other forensic sciences for many reasons, including the following: * Has served all governments worldwide during the past 100 years to provide accurate identification of criminals. No two fingerprints have ever been found alike in many billions of human and automated computer comparisons. Fingerprints are the very basis for criminal history foundation at every police agency on earth. * Established the first forensic professional organization, the International Association for Identification (IAI), in 1915. * Established the first professional certification program for forensic scientists, the IAI’s Certified Latent Print Examiner program (in 1977), issuing certification to those meeting stringent criteria and revoking certification for serious errors such as erroneous identifications. * Remains the most commonly used forensic evidence worldwide – in most jurisdictions fingerprint examination cases match or outnumber all other forensic examination casework combined. * Continues to expand as the premier method for identifying persons, with tens of thousands of persons added to fingerprint repositories daily in America alone – far outdistancing similar databases in growth. * Worldwide, fingerprints harvested from crime â€Å"scenes lead to more suspects and generate more evidence in court than all other forensic techniques combined†. Other visible human characteristics change – fingerprints do not. How to cite Criminal Justice and Technology, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Why Did Britain Get Involved in the Slave Trade free essay sample

Why did Britain get involved in the Slave Trade? The Renascence period was a time full of new music, extravagant architecture and fine art. All of these things causing an increasing demand for funds from the government. In the sasss the Portuguese started trading slaves for various things with the Americans. Britain found out about this trade whilst their pirates were raiding Spanish ships and found them abroad. John Hawkins made the first known British slavery voyage in 1 562; this started a huge trade that the British would carry on for over 300 years.The increasing demand for such things like sugar and cotton made this a simple solution to the problem and also made them a huge profit. In 1665 alone 3750 tones Of sugar were exported to the UK alone and this increased the value and need for slaves. As more people became involved the amount of voyages across the middle passage increased until 30,000 slaves were transported within around 5 years. We will write a custom essay sample on Why Did Britain Get Involved in the Slave Trade? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The slave trade is often described as the Triangular Trade as it involves three main countries, Britain, Africa and America.The Africans anted manufactured goods such as beads, cloth, hardware, rum, salt, and weapons so the British sailed over with plenty of this the trade with the kings for slaves. The African kings hired Africans to capture the slaves and bring them to the British; they would then be put in these ships and taken across to the Caribbean and traded for cotton, sugar, spices and tobacco amongst many other things. This trading system not only left the British with a huge profit but everyone involved, although the British never had slaves themselves, the benefited hugely from their involvement.